Saturday 17 June 2017


All investment decisions have certain inherent risks, and swing trading is not suit-able for all investors. Marketplace Books therefore disclaims any warranties or rep-resentations, whether express or implied, concerning the accuracy or completeness of the information or advice contained in this book. Any investment a reader may make based on such information is at the reader's sole risk. You should carefully research or consult a qualified financial advisor before making any particular invest-ment. Readers of this book who utilize options in their trading should recognize that options have unique risks and are not suited to many investors. Prior to buying or selling an option, a person must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Copies of this document are available from your broker or the Chicago Board Options Exchange, 400 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60605. The OCC Prospectus contains information on options issued by The Options Clearing Corporation. Copies of this document are available from The Options Clearing Corporation, 440 S. LaSalle Street, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60605 or the Chicago Board Options Exchange, 400 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60605. The documents available discuss exchange-traded options issued by The Options Clearing Corporation and are intended for educational purposes. No statement in the doc-uments should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell a security or to provide investment advice.  Traders and investors study markets through price charts. These powerful visual tools offer a com-mon language for all stocks, options and indices. The theory behind this is called "technical analysis." Technical analysis begins with a simple observation that all market action is reflected in the activity of price and volume over time. This information creates a pro-found visual representation when properly presented in a chart. Prices rise and fall, with rising prices being stimulated by greed and falling prices by the awaken-ing of fear. This emotional tug of war between greed and fear generates a "swinging" price movement that provides the perfect opportunity for "Swing Trading." Swing traders capitalize on the emotions of others while they carefully control their own emotions and systematically enter and exit trades. Swing traders rec-ognize the levels of support and resistance. They un-derstand the concepts of momentum and volatility, and can identify a trading range or channel. Equity trading provides a natural arena for swing traders. As price seeks an equilibrium state, swing traders seek to exploit direct price thrusts as they enter positions at levels of support and resistance. By ex-amining chart pattern characteristics, they make money in both trending and range-bound markets. Swing trading is a classic strategy that involves holding stocks for a short period of time—typically from a few days to a few weeks. Unlike day trading, swing trading is independent of time—though some swing traders will prefer to exit a slow-moving position and move on to a new opportunity. Swing trading is very popular among short- and medi-um-term traders. It offers many virtues compared to the hyperactivity of day trading. With recent changes in SEC regulations that affect the way brokerage firms administer margin requirements for day-trading ac-counts, many traders have moved away from day trad-ing towards a swing-trading style. This book—Swing Trading Simplified—commu-nicates the essence of Swing Trading in a simple and straightforward manner. It describes the tools necessary to identify swing-trading opportunities, and explains the guidelines needed to implement this strategy. Filled with innovative and important trading techniques, it is a great asset to beginner and experienced swing traders alike. — Larry Swing

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Thank you for this book
It will help me a lot in my future missions

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