Sunday 2 September 2018

The Procrastinator Guide to Getting Things Done Monica Ramirez Basco

The Procrastinator’s Guide to Getting Things Done Monica Ramirez Basco book free download.

The purpose of this book is to do just that, to help you fgure out why you procrastinate and what to do about it. While the book is organized to help with both gaining understanding and taking action, you need to know that fixing the problem of procrastination does not require you to fully understand why you do it. In fact, you can gain a full understanding of how you came to be a procrastinator, why you do it, and what keeps it going and still not change your behavior. Some of you will find that learning more about what is behind your procrastination might be enough to make quick changes. For others, the process may take more time and effort even if you understand what makes you tick. If you are in the second group, patience and persistence will be needed but should pay off in the long run. You will also learn that the label procrastinator is a negative one that only serves to make the problem worse. It implies that pro crastination is a character trait that can’t be changed. An important thesis of this book is that procrastination is a behavior and that behaviors can be improved. Through exercises, examples, and instructions, you can learn to control your tendency to avoid, delay, or put things off.
The Procrastinator’s Guide to Getting Things Done Monica Ramirez Basco  cover page

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