Wednesday 8 November 2017

taskher e hamzad | Roshan zameri

taskher e hamzad | Roshan zameri book free download. In this book you will learn all about hamzad and the ritual/amal for hamzad. Please do not performed any ritual for any wrong purpose other wise we will not be responsible for anything gone wrong. I just share this book for educational purposes. This kind of thing are strongly prohibition in Islam accept if you use it for the sake to help other peoples. One more and important thing that this type of knowledge (practice) is very dangerous and can take your life. So be careful and do it under the supervision of an expert.

To download this book just click the below link and download this book for free from mediafire.

1 Comments so far

Hi, Albert from California, USA. Please upload again.... Link doesn't work. or if you can send at Thanks for your kindness.

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