Wednesday 12 September 2018

1000 Poses in Fashion By Chidy Wayne

1000 Poses in Fashion By Chidy Wayne  Book pdf Free download.

Why, when we imagine a fashion model, do we immediately think  of a stylized drawing featuring unnatural, to say the least, poses? And why do we see those  poses in fashion magazines? Would it capture the imagination of someone to see endless models simply standing still, with straight arms, and no kind of expression on their face, all the time? Fashion doesn't always demand objective functionality. There  are accessories, many accessories. If this weren't the case, we could all dress in exactly the same  way. But human beings have an acute sense of individuality (even within communities), and they put  thought into their appearance in order to please or to transmit certain values. Fashion demands a certain dramatic quality in order to arouse  emotions. This is why there are haute couture catwalks, this is why there are people like Ferran  Adria, and this is why there are museums- because we need emotions.

1000 Poses in Fashion By Chidy Wayne  cover page
1000 Poses in Fashion By Chidy Wayne  cover page

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