Saturday 19 January 2019

The Boxers Guide To Performance Enhancement | Maximize Your Potential With Scientific Training and Nutrition

The Boxers Guide To Performance Enhancement | Maximize Your Potential With Scientific Training and Nutrition Created By Ross Enamait, Founder of  Download "The Boxers Guide To Performance Enhancement | Maximize Your Potential With Scientific Training and Nutrition" book in pdf format by cling on the below link.
Boxing is arguably the most physically demanding sport of all. Those foreign to the world inside the ring often underestimate the physical condition required of a successful boxer. After all, boxing is an individual sport, without timeouts or teammates to assist. Boxing itself is a complete body workout.
To succeed, you will require speed, power, strength and endurance in each of your muscle groups.Unfortunately, boxing has not kept pace with advancements in sports science and physical conditioning. While training systems and methodologies advance for sports such as baseball, basketball, and football, boxing often stands still,refusing to accept recent developments available to athletes.For example, many boxing coaches today discourage the use of weight training.This is one of many myths passed down over the years regarding the effectiveness of strength training for the boxer. The myth states that weight training will make the fighter slower by tightening the muscles, thus restricting movement.What these individuals do not realize is that if done correctly, strength training will increase range of motion, flexibility and explosive power. We must always remember that our goal is to maximize our performance in the ring. To do so, we must prepare our training routines in a way that focuses on the specifics of our sport. When we lift weights and conduct various conditioning drills, we do so with different objectives than the aspiring body builder. Our programs must be designed in a sports specific manner that will help to enhance our performance.Another common myth is in regards to the roadwork that a boxer must go through each morning. Many trainers today instruct their fighters to a schedule of5-mile runs each day of the week. While running 5 miles per day will surely enhance your cardiovascular system, it will not prepare you for the rigors that you will face inside the ring.

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