Wednesday 16 January 2019

The Divided Mind The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders By John E.Sarno M.D

 The Divided Mind The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders By John E.Sarno M.D book free download

Health care in America is in a state of crisis. Certain segments of American medicine have been transformed into a dysfunctional nightmare of irresponsible practices, dangerous procedures, bureaucratic regulations, and skyrocketing costs. Instead of healing people,the broken health care system is prolonging people’s suffering in too many cases. Instead of preventing epidemics, it is generating them.Does this judgment sound too harsh? Let’s look at some statistics. Over six million Americans suffering from the mysterious and excruciatingly painful ailment called “fibromyalgia” are being treated by an army of self-minted specialists, not one of whom has a clue as to what causes the disorder. Millions more are suddenly being treated for gastric reflux, at an annual cost of billions of dollars. Who says heartburn can’t be profitable? And millions more many of them youngsters are dependent on mind-altering drugs which, it now turns out, may actually be endangering their lives.

The Divided Mind The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders By John E.Sarno M.D
The Divided Mind The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders By John E.Sarno M.D cover page
There are literally hundreds of disorders and illnesses that have been identified as purely psychosomatic or having a psychosomatic component. We will explore many of them in the pages that follow.They can range from mildly bothersome back pain all the way to cancer, depending on the power and importance of unconscious emotional phenomena. Psychosomatic illnesses seem to be an inescapable part of the human condition. Yet amazingly, in spite of the nearly universal prevalence of such disorders, the practice of psychosomatic medicine is almost totally unknown within today’s medical community, and plays virtually no part in contemporary medical study and research. Nowadays, when physicians and many psychiatrists are confronted with a psychosomatic disorder, they do not recognize it for what it is and almost invariably treat the symptom.

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