Friday 8 February 2019

Herbs for Improved Digestion : Herbal Remedies for Stomach Pain, Constipation, Ulcers, Colitis, and Other Gastrointestinal Problems Keats Good Herb Guide

Herbs for Improved Digestion : Herbal Remedies for Stomach Pain, Constipation, Ulcers, Colitis, and Other Gastrointestinal Problems Keats Good Herb Guide By Puotinen, C. J

Heartburn, indigestion, gas, constipation, ulcers, diarrhea, intestinal disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, stomach cancer, colon cancer, leaky gut syndrome, hemorrhoids, spastic colon, stomach cramps and diverticulitis are so common in America today that anyone judging by television commercials or hospital admission records would assume they're inevitable. Everyone has them. Not so. Until this century in the United States, hardly anyone did, and even today in many parts of the world, these chronic disorders are unheard of. Digestive distress is a product of modern civilization. Orthodox physicians treat symptoms, not causes. That's what allopathic (symptom-oriented) medicine is all about. But suppressing symptoms doesn't address the cause of a problem, which is why people who treat their heartburn with antacids, their ulcer symptoms with prescription drugs, or their constipation with laxatives are seldom cured. To cure an illness, you must remove its cause. The cause of nearly every digestive ailment in modern America is our diet, which is low in fiber, high in fat and cholesterol, high in refined sugars and flours, depleted in nutrients, preserved with chemicals, enhanced with artificial flavors and swallowed with beverages containing ingredients no one can pronounce. Of course, it doesn't help that we breathe polluted air, drink contaminated water, fill our lives with stress, get far too little exercise and eat on the run. It's a wonder we don't all have ulcers, not to mention heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It doesn't have to be that way. Simple menu changes combined with the right herbal teas and tinctures can make a world of digestive difference. Herbs are not magical drug. If you live on doughnuts, French fries and microwaved hamburgers, no herbal tea can give you glowing good health.


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