Friday 18 October 2019

Speaking for IELTS Karen Kovacs Collins English for exams

 Whether you are taking the test for the first time or re-sitting, Speaking for FELTS will prepare you for the IELTS Speaking exam. It was written for students who are trying to obtain a band score of 6 or or above with band scores of 5-5.5. The systematic method, comprehensive answer key, and sample responses have been developed so that you can study with your own using the materials. The book can, however, be used for IELTS preparation lessons as a supporting speaking skills course. For up to 50 hours of classroom activity, the book offers sufficient material.

It is split into 12 units to speak for fELTS. In the IELTS examination, each section concentrates on a subject area that you are essential to face. This lets you develop a vocabulary bank and concepts related to the variety of subject areas. Vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and exam methodologies are covered by units 1-11 to begin preparing you for the IELTS Speaking test. For the test, every exercise is useful. At the beginning of each unit, the goals listed clearly state the key skills, techniques, and language covered in the unit. You work towards Unit 12, which provides a final practice IELTS Speaking test. Likewise, the book offers examination strategies going to tell you what to expect and how best to achieve success in the test. The exam information is presented in clear, easy-to-read chunks. 'Exam tips' in each unit highlight essential exam techniques and can be rapidly reviewed at a glance.

It divides each of the first 11 units into 2 parts. The first part of each unit provides the subject-related vocabulary, as well as the phrases and language that can be implemented to any subject. In the IELTS actual exam, the vocabulary exercises give you the chance to express complex thoughts and opinions so that you can do so. Using Collins COBUILD dictionary definitions, the vocabulary is addressed. Furthermore, one or more pronunciation points and one or more grammar points are covered by each unit. In order to be effective in the IELTS test, the pronunciation and grammar exercises help to develop precise pronunciation, and grammatical range and precision. In each unit, by trying questions from Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test, you are given the chance to practice the new language you have learned. These test questions boost your knowledge with the format of the test and help develop your confidence. You are trained exam techniques in the second part of each unit. The data and exercises start raising your understanding of what creates an appropriate response from IELTS as well as provide you with a strategy in order to achieve this. Methodologies involve writing notes for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, trying to develop your language skills, and using news articles to improve the length and quality of your responses to Part 3 of the test. All parts of the book, including suggested answers and justifications, are provided with a comprehensive response key. On the back of the book, you will also find complete audio scripts of all voice exercises. For all the IELTS Speaking test questions recorded on the CDs, there are sample responses. On the back of the book, too, are the audio scripts for these sample responses. It will help achieve the best scores by listening to and learning from all these.

If you are fresh to IELTS, we suggest that you work through the 12 units comprehensively in order to benefit from the progressive structure of the book. You can use the strategic goals listed at the start of each unit to pick the most helpful exercises if you are a more knowledgeable student. Each unit contains material for studying for between three and four hours. It is an advantage to have access to somebody who can offer informed reviews on speaking practise exercises. You can still, even so, learn a lot about working alone or with a study partner willing to give peer feedback and obtain it. After you have finished the unit, stop writing the responses to vocabulary exercises immediately into the book so that you can attempt the exercises again. As you try the exercises in each unit, write down any language you find especially beneficial or applicable in a different notebook.

Review this language frequently. Before trying the practise IELTS questions in each unit, revise what you have did learn. This will enhance the performance of your answers, and using the new language will help you remember it. If you can, monitor your answers. Your self-awareness will grow: you will be able to understand where your expertise lies and which elements of your speech you need to enhance. Furthermore, it will boost your trust and motivation to hear how your speaking has improved drastically. Remember that the exam questions do not have 'correct' or 'wrong' answers: the examiner is interested in your English, not in testing the validity of your opinions. Listen to the sample responses once you have answered the practice IELTS questions. In the audio scripts segment at the back of the book, you can read the sample answers as well.

Note down any helpful grammatical structures and vocabulary. Be conscious that 'vocabulary' comprises of more than just single words: pay more attention to larger language chunks, such as phrases and collocations, as well. You are advised to play the sample responses a second time. This time, read the words as you listen, trying to imitate the pronunciation of the native speakers as accurately as possible. It is very important that you do not memorize entire sentences or answers. IELTS examiners are trained to identify this and will change the subject if they think you are repeating memorized answers. Speaking for fELTS should empower you with the abilities and language, as well as the trust required to fix unfamiliar questions on the day of the examination with its systematic approach, a wide range of relevant exercises, and examination tips and techniques.A full practice speaking test is unit 12. This unit should be performed under test conditions, such as setting the recommended time limits for yourself. For this comprehensive practice test, there is also a sample answer, so you can listen to the audio and read the audio script to even further learn from the mistakes of sitting this practice test.

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